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Swindon Hospital Radio - Home

At the Heart of the hospital

Entertaining staff and patients all year round

Hospital Radio Swindon provides a unique and dedicated radio service to Swindon and the Great Western Hospital, 24 hours a day, from our studio within the main hospital building. 

You can call us FREE on *800 from your bedside phone, Extension 47 48 from the Nurses station (with their permission) or on Swindon 01793 60 47 48.

Swindon Hospital Radio - Home
Swindon Hospital Radio - Home
Swindon Hospital Radio - Home

Listen to us everywhere!

Within the Great Western Hospital you can find us on your bedside entertainment unit or on Wi-FI all of which is free within the hospital.

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Want to make a request or dedication?

Follow the link below to make a request or dedication to someone that is in hospital.

Where it all started…

Our history can be traced all the way back to 1938 when Toc H visited the Stratton Work house. A lot has happened in between us now broadcasting in our own studio that is within the Great Western Hospital and back then, take a look a find out where our story began all those years ago.

About us

More about Hospital Radio Swindon

Swindon Hospital Radio - Home

A word from our happy clients

Get in touch

“Varied programs”

I was recently in hospital and must say that I really enjoyed listening to your programs, whilst waiting for my vistors.

Mr C - Beech Ward

“Sports Show”

I really enjoyed the recent sports show and updates on the football scores - keep up the good work

Mrs Jones - Mercury Ward

“Thank you so much for running this in-depth feature on the Town's Gateway Regeneration. ”

In particular, it was good to hear such detail on the context, challenges and opportunities, and views from a mixture of key stakeholders. I’ll be sharing this more widely with the team here. 

Amy Drummond - Business West