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New Website & Logo

New Website

Hospital Radio Swindon are delighted to launch our new website.

Welcome to our new website, which has been designed and launched by GEL studios, for which we are very grateful to the team at GEL studios for creating for us.

New Logo

In launching our new website, we have a brand new logo which brings a more modern look and feel. We hope you like it as much as we do.

More about Hospital Radio Swindon

Swindon Hospital Radio - New Website & Logo

A word from our happy clients

Get in touch

“Thank you so much for running this in-depth feature on the Town's Gateway Regeneration. ”

In particular, it was good to hear such detail on the context, challenges and opportunities, and views from a mixture of key stakeholders. I’ll be sharing this more widely with the team here. 

Amy Drummond - Business West

“Sports Show”

I really enjoyed the recent sports show and updates on the football scores - keep up the good work

Mrs Jones - Mercury Ward

“Varied programs”

I was recently in hospital and must say that I really enjoyed listening to your programs, whilst waiting for my vistors.

Mr C - Beech Ward